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talk through (v. trans.) make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation"They contested the outcome of the race"
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talk through (v. trans.)
argue, argue about, argue over, contend, contest, contradict, deal with, discuss, dispute, dispute about, dispute over, go over, go through, oppose, question, repugn, talk over
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talk through (v. trans.)
↘ arguable, challengeable, contestable, contestant, contester, contesting, debatable, disputable, disputation, dissenter, dissident, impeachment, objector, protester, protestor
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talk through (v. tr.)
contredire (fr)[Classe]
réclamer, protester (fr)[Classe]
chercher querelle (fr)[Classe]
ne pas croire (fr)[Classe]
negotiate; bargain; haggle; trade; negotiate for[Classe]
dispute (fr)[termes liés]
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